About Us
to CLEANTEX company website – major producer of special work clothing and accessories for ESD, CLEANROOM and ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE work environment.
CLEANTEX company was originated in Clothing Research Institution in Prostejov in 1996. Our leaders have had a lot of experience with research, development and production of special work clothing since 1980. At that time they partook in development of clothing for clean rooms in Clothing Research Institution. Since 1996 we have added antistatic ESD clothes and other accessories to our assortment.
Our customers are companies from The Czech Republic either from other countries. The companies are focused on electronics, microelectronics, optics, precision mechanics, food processing, pharmacy, medicine, etc. We export our products to these countries: Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Germany, England, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and others.
We took part in research projects of the EU. That brought us priceless information we can convey to our customers. We partake in the development of applied materials and we make efforts to meet market needs. Due to the introduced ISO 9001 quality certificate system we are improving. Permanent technical research and development provides high utility.
cleanroom clothes
ESD antistatic clothes
electrostatic dissipative clothes acc. EN 1149-5 (for areas with possibility of electrostatic discharge)
antistatic ESD shoes, gloves and other accessories
CLEANTEX company keeps EN ISO 9001:2015 quality certification system
We offer our customers this kind of service:
We produce bespoke clothes according to customers’ requirements. You can choose from our assortment or we adjust the cuts to your current clothes.
We are able to produce clothes for atypical figures
We offer our customers to cooperate when choosing the suitable clothes type which best fits workplace requirements (we will recommend you a suitable type of clothes for cleanrooms or EPA)
We will recommend you how to maintain the clothes
We can give you some advice for cleanrooms and EPA maintenance
We can provide the clothes with the company logo and a name tag
If you cannot find your requirements in our assortment, contact us!
We offer the surface resistance measurement (acc. EN 61340-5-1)
Our products are made according to EN ISO 13688 working clothes production standards and according to PN10/04/13, PN20/02/10, PN40/01/13, PN30/01/07 company standards and further according to standards requested by the user’s working environment.
Not only applied materials but even the clothes are certified. We are able to show our customers the certificates copies if requested. Our products meet valid international standards. You can find more information in particular parts of our assortment.
The products are divided according to their use in working environment:
We also offer other PPE and equipment for working environment mentioned above. This kind of assortment includes shoes, gloves, earthing components, workplace equipment etc.
For any further questions please contact our colleagues who can provide you with complete information and will happily recommend the best equipment for your working environment.
Research and development
Research and development
Since 2001 CLEANTEX company permanently partakes in EUREKA! projects. This program is one of European strategical and cooperation tools in the field of applied and industrial research and innovative activities. The program aim is to support international cooperation among European industrial companies, research institutions and colleges. The target is to create conditions for efficiency and competitiveness improvement in European industry and the development of common infrastructure.
Within these projects CLEANTEX company cooperates with a Finnish research institution VTT Tampere. There we can check antistatic characteristics of our products and materials (according to the up-to-date standards which are becoming valid). We can also check cleanroom material and product characteristics:
the pore size of textiles
air permeability
particles pemeability
What is examined in ESD cleanroom antistatic materials:
triboelectric charging
surface resistance
point-to-point resistance
discharging time
surface resistivity
vertical resistance